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Life of Thomas Eddy


period, and recollected how much 1 lamented my mis-fortune, as it is generally termed, but which, indeed, was a blessing in disguise, for, not succeeding in business in Virginia, obliged me to remove, whereas, had I succeeded, I probably should have remained there, and, considering my weakness, how apt to unite in company in every respect improper and hurt-ful to my best interests, moral and religious, there is every reason to suppose that I should have partaken of all the evils produced in such a profligate and irreligious state of society, as did then exist in Virgi-nia. I seldom reflect on the circumstances which forced me to leave that place, without feeling my mind warmed with a sense of gratitude to the All- Wise Disposer of human events, that he was gracious-ly pleased so to extend his providential care over me, as to cause my removal from a state of society that might, by my remaining in it, have proved destruc-tive to my family, and ruinous to myself. I omitted to mention, that on the 4th of 6th month,1785, I embarked for England in the English ship Mildred, bound for London. I remained in England only about three months, and returned the latter part of 11th month, being absent near six months. This voyage was not productive of much advantage to me. In the year 1790,1 went with my family to Black Point, and in the following year removed to New York. On my return to this city, all 1 had was fifty pounds, supplied me by my father-in-law, but owing to the kind attention of Robert Bowne, and others, I soon got into some little business. At this period, and for some years afterwards, there were no Insu-rance offices in New York, and being encouraged by my friends, I commenced the business of an Insurance broker. I pursued this with success for three or four years. About 1792, the public debt of the United States was founded; this afforded an opportunity forpeople to speculate in the public funds. In this busi-ness I made a good deal of money. I declined acting