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Life of Thomas Eddy


ceived they perceived the white people derived fromtheir superior wisdom.M Thus committed to them, it became their duty to lay it before your Excellency. To THE BROTHERTOWN INDIANS.New York, 6 mo., 2d, 1796. FRIENDS AND BROTHERS, We expect you have already been informed ofthe Governor having appointed General WilliamFloyd, with us, superintendants of the affairs of the Indians at Brothertown. This, we expect, will be handed you by General Floyd, whom we recom-mend, from our knowledge of him, as your goodfriend. We are satisfied he has the welfare of yourNation much at heart, and, as we have given youmany proofs of our steady friendship, we hope youwill now closely attend to such advice as GeneralFloyd may give you. He will kindly inquire into your situation, and you must make known your wants to him; he will advise you what by-laws andregulations may be necessary for you to make among yourselves, and you will inform him of such as you have already made, so that he may give you his senti-ments thereon. Having had several conversationswith him on the subject of your affairs, we shall leave him to inform you of the supplies that is pro-posed to be handed you this summer. You need notfresh assurances from us, how desirous we are topromote your welfare every way, as we believe areformation is really began among you; we earnestlyrecommend to those sober men and women who haveso nobly stepped forward in so good an undertaking,that they persevere in a steady conduct, and, by set-ting examples of sobriety and industry, induce othersto join them, not only in refraining themselves fromthe least use of spirituous liquors, but to put yourlaws in full force against all offenders in this respect.Until this shameful practice is entirely laid aside,