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Life of Thomas Eddy


which passed between us at Philadelphia, when wesaw each other there, (about four years ago,) at whichtime I took hold on your hand, and directed you tomy fire-place, which invitations our Chiefs, with our young men, do now renew. I spread this unnukkcon, or mat, wide, on which Iput you; likewise those pillows to lay your headson; then I stretch forth my hand on your fire-place,and roll your mat, which you used to sit on, andspread it over on the other mat, which I just madeready for you, that you may feel more easy and com-fortable; here you will eat with your grandchildrenout of one dish, and use one spoon; by the side of this fire-place you can cook what you please, and atnight you can lay down to rest, and dream about thewelfare of your men, women, and children. In themorning you can get up, and promote the same. Grandfather—Lastly, I let you know that I put abroom by the side of this bed, so that, whenever youfeel something hard on this bed, then when shalluse the broom to sweep off every thing, that nothingmay interrupt your rest. (Nunnchtkchk. String of wampum delivered.) Grandfather—once more attend. We will now let you know the reasons which in-duce your grandchildren to give you such invitations. 1st. Because I believe that it is the will of thegreat Good Spirit, that our ancestors did enter intocovenant, and established a strong friendship between them, which covenant we ever have maintainedbright. 2d. Because, by the goodness of the same Spirit,we obtained this good dish, wherein we may eatpeaceably; and, by his kind providence, we were en-abled to see your dismal situation; and farther, Ibelieve, that it is the same good Spirit who influencedour hearts to have the compassionate feelings towardsyour Nation. 3d. Because I believe, that if you can only once