that one man—one Great Man, made all the men that are on the earth; and that he made the sun, themoon, and the stars, to give light, and to be usefulto them. Friends and Brothers—We now rejoice, that theGreat Spirit has made you feel, that we stand inneed of the assistance which you have been descri-bing to us, and to wish, if possible, to render your redbrethren those services which they now are highlyin need of. Brothers and Friends—It appears to us, your red brethren, that you have been kept in the straight path, by the Great and Good Spirit. We have been led astray by inferior spirits; we now hope, thatwe may come upon your track, and follow it. Brothers and Friends—The long and destructivewars that have raged in the country of your redbrethren, since your fathers first came among them,have caused their numbers to be greatly diminished.Those that have come amongst us, have very muchcheated and imposed upon us. They have foundus simple and ignorant, and have taken very greatcare to keep every thing from our knowledge, in orderto profit by our ignorance. Friends and Brothers—We find that you are nowdisposed, with open arms, to receive us, and we hopethe Great Spirit will assist you, together with the great chief of the white people, whom we are nowabout to apply to for help. Brothers and Friends—At the treaty of Grenville, which is now a little past six years ago, we receivedsome presents, by the hands of the great war chief of the Americans, (General Wayne,) said to be sent to usby our brothers, the Quakers. After this treaty, Iwas invited, by the great chiefs of the Americans, to visit them. It is now four years since I visitedthem, at Philadelphia, whilst the great council washeld at that city. I had there opportunity to see ourbrothers, the Quakers, and received from their mouths