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Life of Thomas Eddy


do not want to take away our lands from us—youhave always made use of this language to us; andit has always been with pleasure that I have com-municated it to our brethren. Brothers—We are a jealously disposed people—al-most every white man that comes amongst us, endea-vours all he can to cheat us; this has occasioned jea-lousy among us. But your talks, brothers, are different;we believe you, when you say you want no compensa-tion from us, for your services to your red brethren. Five Medals, chief of the Pattawattamies, arose. FRIENDS AND BROTHERS, I rejoice to hear that you have so much compas-sion on your red brethren. As my friend the LittleTurtle has observed, it is not the first time that wehave received tokens of friendship from you. It is some years since the treaty of Grenville, where we first experienced the friendship of ourbrothers, the Quakers. He was there informed oftheir good wishes, and of the great friendship theyhad for their red brethren. He returned home, and informed us of all the greattalks he had with our brothers, the Quakers ofPhiladelphia. It is truly pleasing to me, brothers, to hear thesame talks my friend had informed me of, now repeated, on my arrival at Baltimore, by our friendsand brothers the Quakers. I hope, brothers, that the Great Spirit, who has thedisposal of men, will assist you in your laudableundertakings, and enable you to be of service to yourred brethren. Friends and Brothers—The talks that you havenow delivered to us, shall be carefully collected,wrapped up, and put in our hearts—we will notforget them. On our return home, we will havethem communicated from the head to the mouth ofthe Wabash—from this to the Mississippi, and up that