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Life of Thomas Eddy


river till it strikes the lakes, thence round by Michili-mackanack, until they come back again to the sameplace. What we say to you, you may he assured does notcome from one man, it comes from many—and whatyou have now said to us, you speak it to but a few,but it shall be communicated to many. Brothers and Friends—I observed to our friends theQuakers of Philadelphia, five days ago, what I nowsay to you: That we wish our brothers, the Quakers,to render us those services which they have proposed.We promise that nothing shall be wanting on ourpart, to give aid to so desirable a thing in our country. Our situation, at present, will not admit of carryingsuch a plan so fully into execution as might bedesired by our brothers; but that, I hope, will notprevent you from making trial. If we had such tools as you make use of, and which add so much toyour comfort—for we have been lost in wonder atwhat we have seen amongst you—if we had theseinstruments, we should, I hope, be willing to usethem; and in the course of a little time, there wouldbe people amongst us, that would know well howto use them, through the assistance they mightobtain from you, and the rest of our white friends. Brothers and Friends—Whatever goods you mayhave in store for your red brothers, we cannot butwish that you will show them to us as soon as pos-sible. That we can yet live upon the game of our countryis true; but we know that this will not be the caselong. Brothers, from the great things, and the aston-ishing wonders which we have seen among you, andfinding they all come out of the earth, it makes meanxious to try if I cannot get some for myself. I hope, brothers, that by the aid of the Great Spirit,and of our friends and brothers, the Quakers, togetherwith the government of the United States, that weshall yet be enabled to get these good things for our-