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Life of Thomas Eddy


selves—such as will make us, our women, and ourchildren happy. Brothers—We do not know what our brothers, theQuakers of Philadelphia, may have in contemplationto do for their red brethren, but we hope it will besomething that will add to our comfort; we hopeit will be something by which we shall profit; some-thing by which we shall be enabled to cultivate ourlands, and live by the fruits of the earth. We havebeen walking in a thorny path; we want to get intoyour track and follow it; and the sooner this isput into our power, I am convinced the better it willbe for our red brethren. Brothers and Friends—I have not much to sayfurther; what has now been said to you is the voiceof the Pattawattamy, Miami, Delaware, Shawanese,Weas, Eel-River, Pisinkashaw, Kickapoo, and Kaskas-kias tribes of Indians. I rejoice, brothers, that wenow know each other, and hope if you have anything to communicate to your red brethren, that itwill come to us through your good brother, WilliamWells, our interpreter, who resides in our country.We can place great confidence in him. He is the onlywhite man in our country we will trust; we shallthen get it, and do now assure you, that it shall befaithfully sent to all these people, in the manner youwish it to be. Brothers and Friends—I hope the Great Spirit will assist you in your undertakings to do your redbrethren good. Your movements towards the Wyan-dots, have not met with that success which theydeserved. It makes me sorry to find an answer fromthem of the kind you have mentioned. There is agreat deal, brothers, in having a good interpreter,and beginning at the right end of the business. (The end of the first Conference.)