My Brothers and Friends—You have asked us ouropinion, on the subject of the introduction ofspirituous liquors into our country. I have nowgiven it to you. If I have given it to you in sucha manner that you do not understand me, I wouldwish you to say so; all that I have said to you, Iwish to be made known to every body. We have our enemies in our own country, as allother persons have in theirs; it is no unusual thing, brothers, to hear some people among us, (you willperceive, brothers, that these are people that areinterested in keeping us ignorant,) when they heartalks that have been delivered by our chiefs, topeople that are capable of rendering us services, theysay to our people, do you not hear? your chiefshave sold you—your chiefs have sold your lands.They put bad stories in the mouths of our youngmen. For this reason, brothers, all that I have said Iwish to be made public; I wish every body to knowit. I only mention this to you, brothers. If it isimproper, I have no objection to your keeping itamongst yourselves; but if it could be made public, Iwould wish it—I have nothing further to say. (Sitsdown.) Five Medals then arose on his feet. MY BROTHERS AND FRIENDS, I have nothing to say on the subject we havenow been talking over. My friend, the Little Turtle,has given you a full answer to those things you havementioned to us; we are but one people, and havebut one voice. Brothers and Friends—We have never had it in ourpower to hold such talks with you at this place before. We have frequently had talks of this kindwith our brothers, the Quakers of Philadelphia; theyalways appeared very glad to see us, and we findyou the same. We hope, brothers, that your friend-ship and ours will never be broken.