The Friend who delivered the second commu-nication, then again addressed them as follows: FRIENDS AND BROTHERS, What you have communicated to us at this timehas been clearly understood, and we are glad to findthat you see things in the same light that we seethem. The several matters you have mentioned, andthe difficulties you have stated, claim our sympathyand solid consideration, and we shall, I trust, takethe subject up, and if a way should open for us tomove forward, in aiding you in your application to the general government, we shall be willing, eitheron this occasion, or any other, to render every servicein our power. To the Congress of the United States. The members of the committee appointed forIndian affairs, by the yearly meeting of Friends heldin Baltimore, RESPECTFULLY REPRESENT— That a concern to introduce among some of theIndian tribes northwest of the river Ohio, the mostsimple and useful arts of civil life, being several yearssince laid before our yearly meeting, a committeewas appointed by that body to visit them, to exa-mine their situation, and endeavour to ascertain inwhat manner so desirable a purpose could be effected.A part of that committee, after having obtained theapprobation of the President of the United States,proceeded to perform the service assigned them- andthe result of their inquiries and observations, as reported to the yearly meeting, was, that the quantityof spirituous liquors, with which those people aresupplied by traders and frontier settlers, must coun-teract the effect of every measure, however wise or salutary, which can be devised to improve theirsituation. The truth of this is abundantly confirmed, by a