for forming a correct opinion. He says, In noticingthis great event, this era in the life of Mr. Clinton,and which will ever be identified with his fame, posterity will demand a minute detail of the com-mencement, the progress, and the completion of anundertaking that ranks among the most importantthat has been effected in any age, or in any country.Posterity will look back to the authors of the bless-ings, and the benefits, which this great event hassecured to this state and nation. The question, then, here naturally presents itself,Who first projected the system of inland navigation from the Lakes to the Hudson, and the Atlantic Ocean? and who were the instruments of its accom-plishment? In replying to these important inquiries,I am fully aware of the delicacy of the task before me. The claimants to this honour are numerous andrespectable, and the claims of each to a certain ex-tent founded in justice. While the minute detailsupon this subject are passed over as out of place on the present occasion, I trust it will not be uninte-resting to this intelligent assembly, to advert to abrief sketch of the most interesting facts which thisexamination has enabled me to develop, some ofwhich, it will be found, have hitherto been totallyoverlooked in the public communications that haveappeared upon this subject. In viewing the originand progress of this great achievement, our attentionis drawn to its numerous friends, who have, in va-rious capacities, contributed to its accomplishment.But, in order that each of the numerous benefactorsto this work may have his due share of praise, pro-portioned to the services he has rendered, it is pro-posed to divide them into various classes, designatingthe nature, character, and extent of those services.I am fully sensible that fame has given to some a degree of reputation to which they are not entitled,to the extent in which it is bestowed; while to othersmuch is due for the assistance they have rendered