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Life of Thomas Eddy


great want of them was discovered in the army andnavy, and in fact almost every where. In a shorttime a society was formed, whose growth has noparallel in the history of nations. In less than thirtyyears, the branches of this noble society have causedthe Scriptures to be translated and printed in morethan a hundred different languages, and spread itover the charitable globe. This book is now familiarto the Esquimaux of our northern regions, is spread throughout Asia, and is known in Africa. From fivethousand Bible Societies that can be enumerated,issued every year almost an incredible number ofvolumes, and therefore no one will perish for lack ofvision. These bibles have not only spread the chris-tian religion, but have been the means of introducingletters where they have been unknown before. Thefirst talents of Europe have been engaged in transla-ting them into various languages, previously but little known, even to the learned. With a sagacity that seems to foresee the results ofthe experience of many years, Mr. Eddy was forhaving the bible go out without note or commentary,that good sense and faith might have their full influ-ence. This is now, after all the experience had onthe subject, thought to be the best course to pursue. The success of these societies have had salutaryinfluence among those who have been engaged inthe cause. Many young men have read the Biblewith care and attention, who never would have doneit, if the societies of which they were members hadnot had before them subjects of discussion, requiringsomething more than a cursory knowledge of theScriptures. Youth is ambitious, and will not beignorant of that which it is praiseworthy to obtain,if rightly set before them. Another beneficial effectof the Bible, and other societies, of a charitable andreligious kind, is, that they draw young men fromgay habits, and give them stability and gravity inearly life. In truth, it may be set down as an axiom,