various means and implements for cultivating the natural sciences, and that some of them have alreadybecome useful to science, by their application of thesemeans. We may refer particularly to the numerous sets of meteorological observations occasionally pub-lished by the Regents, and which are all made atthe academies under their charge. The money ap-propriated to these institutions, has been thus appli-ed with a view of converting them into nurseries ofteachers for the common schools. As the latter are generally taught but a part ofthe year, that is, on an average, not more than eightmonths, and as the teachers will generally be other-wise engaged for a portion of their time, and willnot be permanently devoted to the business, it is high-ly important that the greatest possible number of intelligent men should be found in every precinct,capable of understanding the duties, if not of per-forming the labours, of teachers. In a communitythus fully supplied with intelligent members, andimpressed with the value of thorough instruction,dulness and mediocrity will seldom find encourage-ment to usurp the office and responsibility of guid-ing the intellectual pursuits of the young; while theagents entrusted with the execution of the laws oneducation will hesitate before they lay carelesshands on sculls that cannot teach, and will not learn. Mr. Eddy was also deeply engaged in the erectionof a House of Refuge, in the city of New-York. Hisworthy friend, Professor John Griscom, made thefirst suggestion of such an institution to Mr. Eddy,Isaac Collins, and others, and in 1823, they succeededin establishing this truly useful charity. The learn-ed and benevolent professor lives to see his institu-tion flourish, as an auxiliary to all the great pur-poses of philanthropy to which his friend, Mr. Eddy,was devoted.