of Quarter Sessions, ninety days; all greater offences,to be sent to the state prison for one or more years.No intercourse to be allowed with untried prisoners,or debtors, and a total prohibition to their wives, chil-dren, friends, or any person whatever. Inspectors tovisit the prison, at least once every month, to examineinto the conduct of the keeper, who should have rulesmade by the inspectors, for his government. Therooms should, by law, be directed to be white washedtwice every year, and no other than a low diet be allow-ed, and strictly to prohibit any spirituous liquors. The inspectors might be appointed by the county court,or supervisors, or by council of appointment. Manyof the jails at present are taverns; this should beby law prevented. An allowance to the keepersufficient to procure a man of fair character shouldbe paid out of the public treasury. As our laws noware, the keeper, as he must have charge of the debtors,must be appointed by the sheriff. If what I have suggested meets thy approbation,I know thou wilt considerably improve my plan; if so, and thou hast leisure to draw a bill, it will muchoblige me to be favoured with a copy. Be pleased to accept my best wishes for thy health,and believe me respectfully, and very truly, Thy affectionate Friend, THOMAS EDDY. Philadelphia, 2d month, 24th, 1815. DEAR FRIEND. During the inclemency of the weather this morn-ing, my mind has been turned towards several absentFriends, and I determined to let them know it; per-haps this may be the only sentiment worth commu-nicating to thee; if it so turn out, thou mayest creditme accordingly. The peace which has been lately concluded betweenGreat Britain and this country, whilst it is a subjectof general greeting and rejoicing, will, I hope, impress