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Life of Thomas Eddy


Some years ago, I was led to reflect on the state ofthe criminal code in this state, and warmly impressedwith the belief, that all laws not founded on theprinciples of truth and justice, the common feelingsof humanity, and the rights of mankind, should berepealed; I took a very decided and active part in en-deavouring to obtain a repeal of our former system, andestablishing one more consistent with the pure prin-ciples of Christianity. In 1796, our laws were altered,a state prison was directed to be built, and I was appointed one of the board of inspectors. My zealfor promoting a plan, which I conceived would tendto soften the dispositions of those concerned in govern-ment, and thereby enlighten and prepare their minds for still more improving the condition and state ofmankind, induced me to leave extensive mercantilepursuits, and reside near the prison, about two milesfrom the city, in order that I might strictly attend to its concerns. To reduce such a description of mento a regular course of labour, decent behaviour, andcleanliness, was a task that required unremittingattention, and on the success of the scheme, depended whether society should revive the former, or continuethe new system. I was exceedingly anxious thatour prison should furnish a model for other states, and have therefore attended, when in health, almostdaily, to superintend its concerns, and every winterfor five years past, visited Albany, in order to promote the passing of such laws or alterations of formerones, as were deemed necessary, to perfect the pre-sent code. I have lately published an accountof the prison, for the information of the public;and with a view to excite other states to follow ourexample. I take the liberty now, to present theewith one of those publications, which will give fullinformation of the management, economy, &;c. of theprison. I understand there are some prisons in England,where the convicts are employed at labour. I should