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Life of Thomas Eddy


to withhold it on the succeeding year, in case of any information of improper conduct, and to forfeit it,in case of conviction—a power also to constables, tostop and examine the persons who convey parcels,&;c. after dark, and to punish the offenders if they cannot give a satisfactory account to the magistrate,how they obtained the same, would tend much tothe prevention of crimes. It is by these precau-tions, and by mild summary punishments, that thecalendars of delinquency are to be diminished inevery country, and a wise legislature will look toprevention as a primary object, that there may beoccasion as seldom as possible, to resort to punish-ment. As temperance operates powerfully in preventingdiseases in the human body, so will preventives tendto diminish the evils in the body politic. In America,where old prejudices do not exist, and where thelaws in their progress are verging towards maturity,this preventive system can be much easier accomplished than in Europe, and if the legislature is trueto itself, it will see the vast importance of establish-ing, in the first instance, every safe-guard to theinnocent part of the community, by shutting up, asfar as circumstances will permit, every avenue to crimes. The true interests of the state requires it,and humanity to the unhappy individuals, who aretempted to perpetrate offences, from the temptationswhich assail them, plead strongly for the adoption ofan appropriate preventive system, applicable to thelocal and peculiar state of the country. Did I not know that I was addressing myself to aman of true philanthropy, who glories in his country's prosperity, and anxiously seeks for opportunities ofdoing good, I should make an apology for the lengthof this letter; but to you, sir, it is not necessary.That you may be long spared to society, and blessed with health and vigour of mind, to enable you toprosecute the good work, which you and your wor-