apologize for touching on subjects of a political na-ture, so foreign to the design of this letter, and the habits and pursuits of my life. The penitentiary house in Virginia has been estab-lished about three years. The Inspectors are respecta-ble, good men, and are appointed by the Governor andCouncil, who also appoint the principal Keeper. Iam informed, political reasons influenced the Governorand Council, in the appointment of a principal Keeper,who disagreed with the Inspectors, and refused tosubmit to their directions, and is said to be a very im-proper person for his place. This proves the proprietyof vesting in the Inspectors the power of appointingthe Keeper, and making them responsible for his con-duct. On the 5th January last, there were sixty-eightconvicts, who were employed mostly at making nailsand shoes. They are allowed meat only two daysin the week; other days, mush, with a small portionof molasses and potatoes. The laws of Virginiadirect, that the male convicts shall have their headsand beards close shaven, at least once in every week.The foundation of a similar prison, has been laid,this year, at Boston. The state of society in Mas-sachusetts, is so very favourable to good order andimprovement, the opinions and habits of the people,so consonant to the true principles of liberty and good government, that there is every reason to expect thatthis establishment will be equal, in every respect, toany in America, and, I have no doubt, will reflectgreat honor on the state which formed it, and on the Inspectors who may have the management of itsinternal government. The comparison made by thee, between the num-ber of convicts in Scotland, and this state, is extreme-ly unfavourable to the latter, and I am unwilling toadmit the inference that might be made from it. Asto the state of society here, I am certain, that a muchless number of criminals escape conviction here, thanin Great Britain, an effect that may be ascribed to