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Life of Thomas Eddy


Hardware, a small packet, containing reports of theinspectors for last year, and also an account of theNew York Hospital, which has been lately publishedunder my direction. I am, with the greatest regard and esteem,Thy assured friend, THOMAS EDDY.To P. COLQUHOUN, London. London, 8th August, 1804. MY DEAR SIR, I am quite ashamed to discover, on recurring tomy correspondence on the affairs of philanthropy andhumanity, that I have been so long your debtor fora reply to your favour of the fifteenth of July lastyear, which reached me on the twenty-first of Sep-tember following; since which period, even until this hour, my time has been so constantly occu-pied, by a necessary attention to a great varietyof public business as a magistrate, a deputy lieutenant,&;c., that I have had scarce any time for those pur-suits, to which I am so much inclined to direct myattention. This circumstance, however, has notprevented me from establishing two schools in thecity of Westminster, where I reside; the one for 200boys, who, with the assistance of monitors, selectedfrom the most acute of the pupils, act as ushers underone master; and I have also establised since, a schoolfor 200 girls, who are taught agreeably to the same system, by one mistress. Inclosed I send you one of the proof sheets con-taining an account of our proceedings, by which youwill perceive the vast disparity on the score ofexpense, between the new and old method of com-municating appropriate instruction to the lowerclasses of the people. I likewise send you one ofmy reports, which were circulated early in the pre-sent year, which procured us, as you will observe,