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Life of Thomas Eddy


of society imperiously calls for. I have circulatedyour excellent work on prisons among the very firstand most elevated characters in this country and inIreland, and I yet indulge a hope, that in the courseof Providence we may enjoy the blessings of peace,when an opportunity will be offered, ere long, tofollow the good example that is set before us. Yourmode of correction by solitary confinement, undercertain regulations, is excellent; and the result of the various experiments which have been made,prove it to be wise and salutary, and that the measuredid not proceed from visionary or enthusiastic ideas.Where punishment produces amendment, and restores offenders again to society, renovated and reformed; andwhere this great desideratum can be obtained, with-out expense to a nation or to individuals, it may betruly affirmed, that this great and important branchof criminal police has arrived at the greatest heightof perfection of which human institutions are sus-ceptible: but the misfortune is, that in the affairsof society, every thing depends on the purity, the dis-cretion, abilities, and zeal, of those who conduct publicinstitutions. In good hands they flourish; whileunder a less careful, zealous, and intelligent manage-ment, they retrograde and decay. It is to a diversityof opinion, often among well intentioned men, whodo not well consider the subject, or whose judgmentsare deficient, or their passions predominant, thatmany excellent institutions are imperfect in theirfirst concoction, and under these disadvantages, coupledwith want of intelligence and zeal in the manage-ment, do not succeed. I am happy to hear so goodan account of the penitentiary house in New Jersey. That of Philadelphia is well known from the variousaccounts which have been given of this excellent institution, and it is indeed much to be lamented,that the spirit of party should extend its influence,so as to disturb the economy of those establishments,which have been instituted for the general benefit