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Life of Thomas Eddy


people, which, of course, will have the effect to generatecrimes. Such is the evil consequences of naturalwealth suddenly acquired, that it is always counter-balanced by evils in the opposite scale. What you have most of all to dread in America, asa general corrupter of morals, is the want of a duecontrol on public houses and liquor shops, in yourbung-hole towns. Until publicans of all descriptionsare licensed, and put under strict regulations, theabuses through this medium will increase, and pro-duce excessive evils, which will be almost without aremedy, if not prevented in due time. The prohibition of distillation can never be expect-ed in any country, and therefore all we can hope for,is a strong control over those who deal it out to the pro-fligate and the idle, and to those who are influencedby their example. At the commencement of the last year, I publisheda tract on the duty of a constable, which I first meantfor the instruction of those in Westminster; butin the progress of the composition, while the presswas going, I was induced to snatch an occasionalhour from public business, and to extend it so as toapply to all England. In the appendix to this tract,I have introduced rules and orders for publicans. Ishall send you this work, with others. You willfind in it a tolerable epitome of the manner in whichthe general police of England is conducted. I wishI could say it was conducted according to the trueand genuine spirit of the laws, upon which the sys-tem is founded. I conclude with my best thanks for the obliging communications you have made to me, and the valua-ble books and papers you have had the goodness tosend me on the interesting subject of Police. And I am, with the greatest respect and esteem,My dear sir, your very obliged friend, P. COLQUHOUN. Mr. THOMAS EDDY, New York.