I sincerely hope the time is not very far distant,when you will have the countenance and assistanceof your government in improving your poor laws,which undoubtedly have hitherto tended to increasethe number, and indeed the misery of the poor. I beg thou wilt accept of my most hearty thanks,for the reports of the Society for Bettering the Condi-tion of the Poor, which I expect to receive the nexttime of my going to the environs of the city. I should be much gratified, if thou wouldst be sogood as to inform me of the present state of the schoolunder the care of Lancaster. I wrote him about twoyears ago, but possibly my letter did not reach him,as I had not the satisfaction of hearing from him. With great regard and esteem, I am, very sincerely, Thy affectionate friend, THOMAS EDDY. London, 10th October, 1806. DEAR SIR, I have postponed acknowledging the receipt ofyour acceptable favour, of the 9th September, lastyear, from month to month, in hopes of being able tomake such communications on the subject of politicaleconomy, as I conceived ought to be acceptable; butmy public duties have become so multifarious, as toafford me less time than I could wish, although I canconscientiously say, that I do not waste a moment inany pursuit that has not public or private utility forits object. The banking system, if conducted ona proper principle, has certainly a great tendency togive efficacy and extension to human labour, which,you well know, is the only source of wealth in every country; and, perhaps, no nation upon earth hasbeen more indebted to the powerful effect of creditand confidence than this, in giving a spring to theindustry and enterprise of the people, and thereby rendering every species of human labour extremely