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Life of Thomas Eddy


shall not fail to send you a copy; and, I trust, itmay be found to contain matter applicable to Ame-rica, where the morals in vulgar life are so assimi-lated to those of England, that the same remedieswill apply in both countries. You will see, however,in the treatise on education, that I have given somedetails, relative to the criminality of the country, which I have enlarged upon in the treatise on indi-gence, which now occupies my attention. The wareases us of many idle and dissolute characters, whofind employment in the army and navy; yet, thecalendar of delinquency greatly exceeds what couldbe wished, and much remains to be done to counter-act the evils which opulence produces in society, joined to a want of proper attention to the religiousand moral instruction of the poor. You will see,from the subject of this letter, that it is only meantfor your own eye, or that of your private friends. I shall soon write you again, and send you the report,published last year, by our society for bettering thecondition of the poor. I fear nothing but legislativemeasures, adapted to the present state of society, willproduce that general amelioration, which is so much wanted. I remain, with the greatest regard and esteem,Dear Sir, your sincere and affectionate friend, P. COLQUHOUN.Mr. THOMAS EDDY, New York. London, 26th July, 1808. MY DEAR SIR, I send you a series of the reports which have beenpublished for Bettering the Condition of the Poor,since I last had the pleasure of transmitting theformer ones. I shall, in a short time, have the plea-sure of addressing you on our economical systemhere. I lament to say, that the dreadful state ofEurope, I mean the continent, tormented by the decreesof its extraordinary ruler, excluding all commercial