the United States; who, if they concede, or appearto concede any thing, it is only with a view to makeAmerica an instrument in the hands of France, toassist her in the ruin and the subjugation of GreatBritain, that she may aftewards, in the plenitude ofher power, also subjugate America. When all hopes of commercial intercourse seemedto be at an end, with respect to the continent—whenall the powers submitted to the mandates of aformerly obscure individual—Three short monthshave produced most extraordinary events—The greatpeninsula of Spain and Portugal have thrown off theyoke. Their ports are not only open, but they are actually now become the allies of Great Britain!—What a change!—how vain the hopes of men!—how uncertain the issue of the schemes of the mostpowerful and the most fortunate dealer in war. Anall wise Providence frustrates at once the arrogantpretensions of the boldest, and for a while, the mostsuccessful adventurer. Lamentable to say, it should seem, that the strug-gle for dominion, and the din and clangour of waris only commencing. Formerly, it was between anusurper and ancient sovereigns: now, it is betweenthe people at large, struggling for liberty, and thedifferent usurpers of ancient thrones. The shutting up the ports of Europe—depriving the Pope of his ter-ritories—the treacherous conduct of the ruler of Francetowards Portugal and Spain, and their respective sove-reigns—and the forced anticipated conscriptions to theyear 1810, tearing three, instead of one son, from thebosom of their families, to gratify the ambition ofone individual:—all these measures taking effectwithin a few months of each other, and all of them,either producing immediate distress, or working uponthe religious prejudices of the mass of the people,could scarcely fail to produce convulsion;—and hence,already symptoms of the spirit of resistance mani-fested by Spain, begin to manifest themselves in