the former series of reports were sent you. I shallbe glad to hear that they have reached you in safety.Soon after, I retired with my family for a couple ofmonths for the benefit of sea-bathing, several of themhaving enjoyed bad health for a considerable lengthof time, and 1 found a little relaxation necessary formyself, in consequence of the fatigues of business.I brought as usual with me, your letters, with manyothers, which the pressure of public business in townwould not permit me to attend to; and these, withmy daily correspondents on official and other busi-ness, joined to some important state papers, whichrequired to be drawn up by me with that degree ofattention which could be best done in solitude, haskept me constantly employed. I am happy to say,that my family are considerably improved in health,and I feel myself better of the country air, necessaryat my time of life, being now in my sixty-fourth year, and not enjoying very good health. Mrs. Eddy has not called on me as 1 expected shewould do, and the truth is, that having received your letter when at Brighton last year, and endorsing itwith other letters which did not require an immedi-ate reply, and having a great deal of business on myhands after my return home, I was prevented from referring to it, and under the pressure of other affairsit totally escaped me; but 1 have now taken downMrs. Eddy's direction in my common place book, andthe moment I return to town, and can find a vacanthour (of which I have very few) 1 will make a pointof calling upon her, and shall rejoice to have it in mypower to render her any acceptable services, eitherby my advice or otherwise. On the subject of the Brantingham Tract, I haveaddressed a separate letter to you and Mr. Johnsonjointly, to which 1 beg leave to refer yoti. I remain, with great regard and esteem,My dear sir, your very affectionate friend, P. COLQUHOUN.