New York, 5th month, 19th, 1815. MY DEAR FRIEND, A number of benevolent persons of the city ofHartford, in Connecticut, have formed an association,with a view to establish an institution for the instruc-tion of the deaf and dumb; and being desirous ofavailing themselves of the information gained bythose who have conducted similar establishments inEurope, they have deputed the bearer, Thomas H.Gallaudet, to make a visit to England and France. I beg leave to introduce him to thy kind notice, andshall esteem it as a peculiar favour, if thou wilt affordhim such advice and assistance, as may aid him inprosecuting the great and good work in which he hasembarked. I send by my friend Gallaudet, a packet contain-ing a few pamphlets. A view of New York state prison, published thepresent year. Hints for introducing an improved mode of treating the insane, by T. Eddy. Report of the Philadelphia Association of Friendsfor the instruction of poor children. Report of the governors of the New York Hospital. Report of the Free School Society of New York. A solemn review of the custom of war, showing that war is the effect of popular delusion, &;c. I do not know who wrote the view of our stateprison; it appears to me the information it containsis very correct. The institution is now conductedby persons who are very capable of managing itsconcerns. The great benefits derived to the public,by the alterations of our present system, is acknow-ledged by all our citizens, and similar establishmentsof prisons have taken place in almost every state. I am, with much respect and esteem,Thy affectionate friend, THOMAS EDDY.To P. COLQUHOUN, London.