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Life of Thomas Eddy


modifications. On the whole, I venture to presume,that the Practical Hints, the letter of my friendSamuel Tuke to thee, and the modified plan of theintended Wakefield Asylum, will very materiallyassist you in adopting such a building and establish-ment, as will answer the end you have in view. I have pleasure in being the instrument of convey-ing to thee these subjects of information; and remain Thy sincere and affectionate friend, LINDLEY MURRAY. To Mr. THOMAS EDDY, New York. P.S.—My wife joins me in kind remembrance tothy dear wife. Remember me also kindly to thyingenious son, who obligingly sent me copies of hisvery neatly executed maps. New York, 11th month, 23th, 1815. MY DEAR FRIEND, Inclosed is the copy of a letter, addressed by meto Barent Bleecker, of Albany. I beg to claim thyattention to the subject of this letter, and if, in thyopinion, it would be advisable for the Board of Direc-tors of our Canal Company to offer a memorial tothe legislature, embracing the several matters con-tained in the letter, it is probable it will be adoptedby the Board; if any thing further occurs to thymind on the subject, please inform me. Thou wilt recollect that, when I had the pleasureof seeing thee at Albany, we agreed, that it wouldbe highly proper for the people in the western partof the State, to send to the legislature, this winter, amemorial, urging in strong terms the necessity ofadopting some plan, for improving the internal navi-gation of this State, by means of Canals, &;c., andproposing one to be made from Rome to Salina. Benjamin Wright engaged to correspond with theeon the subject of such a memorial; he is very activein endeavouring to promote the plan of beginningat Rome. I am perfectly satisfied, that unless you