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Life of Thomas Eddy


Ohio, and that your citizens appear to take a verydecided part in favour of promoting the contemplated connexion of the waters of Lake Erie with the Hud-son River; and he adds, that many persons expressedan anxious desire, that your legislature should makea communication to our legislature on the subject,stating the great advantages that would be affordedto the State of New York, if this grand project wasonce accommplished. On this I crave to remark, andbeg thy particular attention. If your legislaturecould be induced to make such a communication,there is not the least doubt to be entertained, butthat it would have so much weight with our legis-lature, as to induce them immediately to commencethe work. It is true, the commissioners, as wellas others, have endeavoured to make the legislatureunderstand, that the Canal of course would draw your trade to New York, but owing to a want ofknowledge of the geography of the country, they are,many of them, incapable of forming a correct judg-ment on the subject. It will then be readily con-ceived, how much it might enlighten their minds,and influence their judgments, if a suitable commu-nication was made in the manner before mentioned.I beg leave to refer this part of the subject to thyserious attention, and possibly it may correspondwith thy views, to use thy influence, and unite itwith other influential characters in your State, tointroduce it before your legislature. Our sessionscommence at Albany in January. Congress havelarge tracts of land in your Stateā€”suppose yourlegislature should apply for a grant of a portion of land, expressly for the purpose of promoting the com-pletion of the Canal, and then you were to offer it tothe legislature of New York, on condition that the citi-zens and produce of the State of Ohio, should passthrough the Canal and Locks without paying toll.This is offered as a hint for your examination; youare more capable of judging as to the mode and man-