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Life of Thomas Eddy


next October, if sufficient additional funds can beprocured for the purpose. The contractor for the work is a Mr. Marshal Lewis; this gentleman seemsto unite rare talents, with uncommon application,and exemplary integrity; and he has thus farbrought forward the work in a style supposed tosurpass, as well in durability as in appearance, anycanal work in the United States. This fortunate result, however, is in great part to be ascribed to aspecies of stone, discovered by Mr. Lewis, at the headof the Seneca Lake; which is taken from the quarryin large masses, is of a blueish colour, and though ofsolid texture, yet it is sufficiently soft to yield, withease, to the stroke of the hammer. Mr. Lewis hasgone so far beyond his contract, in the good qualityof his work, that the sum he is to receive will fallnear ten thousand dollars short of what is requisiteto finish it; to supply which deficiency the Directorsintend to apply to the liberality of the legislature. All our accounts from the settlers in the neigh-bourhood of Lake Ontario, and from the traders re-siding within our territory, but doing more or lessbusiness in Montreal, agree that the British have theireyes wide open, to the importance of the trade ofthis country, and are adopting measures to secure it.Among other means, they have put in train the build-ing of steam boats on the Lake, to carry freight toand from Fort Wellington, late Prescott; and theyare, moreover, contemplating the improvement of thenavigation of the St. Lawrence, by canalling therapids; which, it is said, will not be a very difficultundertaking. Such being the policy of the British, it behoovesour state to wake from its slumber—to be active,and to strain every sinew of its ability, to counter-act it. I need not observe, on the almost wonderfulincrease of wealth, which the state would derivefrom a constant and uninterrupted flow of the pro-ducts of this large and fertile district, into the cities