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Life of Thomas Eddy


Geneva, Ontario county, 11th January, 1816. MY DEAR SIR, I have been absent a few days, at Canandai-gua, which has prevented my attention to the impor-tant business of improving our canal navigation.Last night we had a meeting of the citizens of thisvillage, and we agreed on a petition to the legisla-ture, and appointed a committee of correspondence,to communicate with the other towns in this county,and with the towns in the other counties more im-mediately interested in the navigation. I think weshall, by our proceedings, put this county in motion. We have just learnt the proceedings in New-York,on the subject of the canal, and are much gratifiedto find they are alive to the importance of another application to the legislature. Now is the accepted time—now is the day for adopt-ing, and carrying into effect, a policy which is likelyto be productive of incalculable advantages to thecommerce of our state. I hope our friends in Albany will also be awaken-ed to see their interest, and that our applications to the legislature will also be sanctioned with onefrom the great body of its citizens. Our proceedings are in the hands of the printer;and as soon as they are published, I will send you acopy of them. It may be pleasing to our fellowcitizens in New York to see that, in this country,we are not unmindful of our duty to them, or to our-selves. In great haste, very sincerely your's, ROBERT TROUP.To THOMAS EDDY. Geneva, Ontario county, 10th February, 1816. DEAR FRIEND, I have been favoured with your letter of the 3dinstant, and I am not a little pleased at learning,that our Western Lock Navigation Company, has