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Life of Thomas Eddy


pleasure of stating, that a law was passed, 17th ult.to pay the Governors of the New-York Hospital, tenthousand dollars a year, in quarter yearly payments,for and during the term of forty-one years. Thisgenerous and liberal grant, is fully equal to our ex-pectations, and will be amply sufficient to enable usto erect extensive buildings, and every other improve-ment. We purchased thirty-eight acres of land, sixmiles from the city—it is on high ground, and com-mands a most delightful and very extensive view ofthe village of Haerlem, Long Island, and the surround-ing country. As to health, and good water, it isequal to any in the state of New-York. Some havefears, that it is too far from the city; but on thataccount, it appears to me, there is no cause to beafraid that it will not be duly inspected—it is true,the Governors all reside in the city, but in the vicinityof the premises there are a number of very respecta-ble suitable persons, (members of the Corporation ofthe Hospital) who would very cheerfully undertakethe charge of visiting, &;c. so humane an institution. Several of the Governors have seats in the neigh-bourhood, and are out one half the year. It is pro-posed, the intended building shall accommodate twohundred patients, calculated for all ranks of life—as well those of affluent as indigent circumstances, and,also, paupers, who are supported by the city, and therespective counties throughout the state—the latterto be paid for at the rate of two dollars per week, and others from three to ten dollars, according totheir circumstances, and the accommodations theymay require. In my opinion, if it is well conducted, and managedwith prudence, it will, not only essentially serve, andbe a great blessing to the state at large, but may bevery profitable, and produce a considerable revenueto our hospital. I have no doubt, we shall have itfull in two years after it is ready to receive patients.On one part of the premises there is abundance of