wonderfully strange, that I cannot meet with a singlecopy in this city, or Philadelphia. Our Free School Society, under the patronage ofthe state, is in a flourishing situation; we have twoschools under our care in this city, containing aboutone thousand scholars; we have ample funds, andpropose to erect two other school houses next year. There are now a school in every town in each ofthe counties throughout the state, all under thepatronage of the state; the sum of 60,000 dollars isnow divided among them, according to the numberof scholars in each school, and this fund, in a fewyears, will reach 200,000 dollars; besides this, theyare obliged, each town, to raise, by tax, a sum equalto what they respectively receive from the state. I shall esteem it as a very particular favour, if thouwill be so good as to continue thy correspondence onthe general state and improvements of the numerous benevolent establishments in England. It is owing to thy very valuable correspondencewith me, that our New-York Free School is in soflourishing a situation as it is at present, and that the condition of the poor, in many respects, have beenconsiderably improved. I am, with the warmest sentiments of esteem andregard, thy affectionate friend, THOMAS EDDY. To P. COLQUHOUN. P.S. Inclosed in a packet, per Jeremiah Thomp-son, to be sent by him from Liverpool, per coach: Memorial on Canal, from Erie to the Hudson. Report of Female Association. An act concerning Common Schools. Report of Free School Society, for 1814. Hints respecting improving the treatment of theInsane. Report of New York Hospital, for 1815. Account of New York Free School Society.