Report, &;c. of Committee on Subject of Spirit-uous Liquors. Seven numbers of Friend of Peace. Annual Account of Hospital. Account of Massachusetts State Prison. Constitution of American Bible Society. 5th mo. 16th, 1817. RESPECTED FRIEND, The Commissioners to connect the navigablewaters of Lake Erie and the Hudson River, have notyet appointed an engineer, and it is difficult to selecta person for so important and responsible a situa-tion. The appointment will be a very honourableone, and it is very desirable it should be conferredon a man fully competent, and deserving entire con-fidence; to direct the manner in which the various parts of the work should be executed—to make con-tracts with the workmen, &;c. &;c. requires a combina-tion of talents, industry, and intelligence, that is rare-ly to be found in an individual. I have been longacquainted with the general character of ThomasMoore, of Maryland, and it occurred to me, that hewould answer the views of the Commissioners, buthaving no personal acquaintance with him, and notbeing possessed of a knowledge of his abilities, suf-ficient to justify one to recommend him to the Com-missioners, I am induced, by the recommendation ofmy friend I. B., who has just been appointed to themathematical department, as surveyor, to take the liberty of making application to thee for information. Not having the pleasure of an acquaintance, I mustconfide in thy well known public character, and dis-position to aid every improvement interesting to our common country, to excuse the liberty of addressingthee on the above subject, and beg thee to believe me,with great respect and esteem, Thy assured friend, THOMAS EDDY. THOMAS JEFFERSON.