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Life of Thomas Eddy


New-York, 5th month, 15th, 1817. MY DEAR FRIEND, I arrived here the day before yesterday, and Ihave this day received the appointment of surveyorfor the contemplated grand canal. My friend, ThomasEddy, of this city, has generally been in the firstrank amongst his fellow citizens, as an active and efficient promoter of useful and benevolent works,has long been one of the Commissioners for this par-ticular object, and though he is not now one, stillretains all his wishes for its success, and the ener-gies of his mind are still in full activity for its accom-plishment. He has mentioned, in conversation withme, his views, that the task of the ascertainment oflines, and the superintendence of the work of makingthe canal, would be too burdensome for one man—that the magnitude of the object, would not onlyrender expedient, but necessary, the employment oftwo Superintendents, an Engineer, and a Mathema-tician, each in his appropriate department. I per-fectly accord with him in these views. I mentionedto him Thomas Moore, a man whom I know to beeminently qualified for the undertaking—of a soundand discriminating mind—a judicious and practicalengineer, and one with whom I shall be glad to act.I remarked, that thou wast well acquainted with hisqualifications and talents, and suggested the proprie-ty of his addressing thee on the subject, and request-ing thy opinion. He alleged he had no acquaintance with thee, but if I would write, he would enclosemy letter in a few lines from himself. I know not whether Thomas Moore would acceptsuch an appointment, but I am induced to believe theCommissioners would be liberal in their offer; and Ialso believe his correctness and economy to be suchin the application of public money, that more wouldbe saved by giving him a salary of 10,000 dollars ayear, than employing one less qualified for nothing.