Accept, dear friend, my love and affectionate salu-tations. ISAAC BRIGGS.THOMAS JEFFERSON. New York, 9th mo. 24th, 1817. RESPECTED FRIEND, I return thee my most sincere thanks for thy verypolite and friendly letter, by Captain Brown, dated17th May. I have been prevented from sooner ac-knowledging the favour, by absence from the cityfor some months past. I now send some books, which,I trust, will be interesting, and of which I requestthy acceptance. Amongst them thou wilt find thelast Annual Report of our American Bible Society,which be pleased to present to your Bible Society.If that Society would address the American BibleSociety, announcing their formation, and forward acopy of their constitution, with a sketch of the pros-pect before them, it would be the means of openinga correspondence between the two Societies, thatmight prove mutually useful. The American Society have printed a number ofFrench stereotype bibles, containing the Old and NewTestaments, and would cheerfully supply yours, atthe cost of printing and binding. A highly respectable society has been formed atWashington, for the purpose of colonizing the free people of colour in the United States. I send thee apamphlet, stating the views of this society; but theyhave not yet concluded to what part of the world itwould be most advisable to recommend their emigra-tion. This society is about sending an agent toAfrica, to endeavour to procure an asylum for themat Sherbro, near Sierra Leone, or some other part ofthe continent. I am of opinion it would not answerfor them to go to your island, unless a permanentpeace was established. When that happy event shallhave taken place, it will certainly be more for their