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Life of Thomas Eddy


interest to remove there, than any other part of theworld. Many of them are sober and industrious, arewell acquainted with agriculture, and are good me-chanics. A young man left here a few months ago for Portau Prince, who was sent from England by the Britishand Foreign School Society, for the purpose of intro-ducing schools in your island, on an extensive andimproved plan. I am anxious to know if he is likelyto succeed, and should be much gratified in learningthat you have a number of schools, established indifferent parts of thy government. To thy enlight-ened mind it is unnecessary for me to enlarge on theimportance of this object, to advance which your government cannot appropriate too much money. I have also sent thee a volume of the Transactionsof the New York Literary and Philosophical Society.If you have any pamphlets or other objects, relatingto the natural history of your island, they would bevery acceptable. It would afford me singular pleasure to render theeany services; and if, in any way, it is in my powerto be useful to thee in this city, I beg thou wilt freelycommand me. I am, with sentiments of the greatestrespect and esteem, Thy assured friend, THOMAS EDDY. To President PETION. London, 20th February, 1818. MY DEAR SIR, I have to acknowledge the receipt of your obligingfavour of the 9th of April last, with the accompany-ing books and pamphlets, which were safely deli-vered by Mr. Greig, and for which I beg you willaccept of my best thanks. I should have done this at an earlier period, had I not waited for Mr. Greig'sreturn, which has been protracted far beyond thetime either he or I had calculated upon. He has been