magistrate, exerted myself to the utmost to check theprogress of this crying evil, by suppressing liquorshops; but, as those licensed to sell ale and beer, orporter, are also entitled to retail spirits, the taskbecame extremely difficult. In this country it is aproductive source of revenue. Referring you to ourmutual good friend for further particulars, I remainalways, with the most genuine regard, My dear sir,Yours, very affectionately and sincerely, P. COLQUHOUN.To Mr. THOMAS EDDY, New York. New York, 6th mo. 7th, 1818. DEAR FRIEND, I have to acknowledge the receipt of thy ac-ceptable favour of 3d mo. 5th, which has been com-municated to the Board of Trustees of our Free School Society. They were highly pleased with thecare and attention of the British and Foreign Society,in procuring a person, by thy account, so suitablyqualified to take charge of the schools under theircare, as Charles Picton. We hope he is now on hispassage to this country, and that he will soon be withus. Our annual report is now printing, and I hopeto get a copy in time to send thee by this opportunity.We have just established a third school near this city,of about two hundred scholars, and we are abouterecting a school house, (No. 4,) to accommodate sixhundred, so that at the close of this year the Society will have under their charge about two thousandchildren. The system is spreading in a most remark-able manner in every part of this state, and indeedvery generally through the United States. The slavestates are much behind all others in every thing thatrelates to religious or moral improvements. TheSunday School Society in this city have succeededin a most wonderful manner. They have thirty-sixschools open every first day, and in the whole about