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Life of Thomas Eddy


The plan mentioned by thee of a Reformatory for sixhundred boys, is the wisest and best ever proposed,provided it be so built as that each boy be lodged ina separate room; in the day, when at work, they willhave keepers constantly with them, and then it will be very easy to prevent them talking or havingany improper communication with each other;—ifmore than one is in a room at night, they would as-suredly corrupt each other, and thus your design, or reformation, must be defeated. The administration of the New York State Prisonhas been very badly managed for many years; theamount of expenditures are from twenty to thirtythousand dollars yearly more than the amount pro-duced by the labour of the convicts. When Friendshad the management, it was entirely different, aswill be seen by my book, published in 1804, a copyof which was sent thee some time ago. In Philadel-phia, the affairs of their State Prison are managedwith much care and prudence, and the profit on thelabour of the convicts is several thousand dollarsmore than the cost of support and maintenance.The friends to the penitentiary system have beenin some degree disappointed as it regards reforma-tion of the convicts, and this, in my opinion, is entire-ly owing to the improper construction of our prisons.The rooms are calculated too large, and in conse-quence of this, twelve to fifteen are put in each roomat night, and of course they corrupt each other, andit is not unreasonable to believe that many becomemore wicked and incorrigible from their impri-sonment. The only wise plan then is, for keepersto be constantly with them during the day whilstat labour, and at night, let each one be lodged inseparate cells. I have many numbers of the Philanthropist, andwould be thankful if thou wouldst direct them to beregularly sent me. The pamphlets, and Montague on Punishments, &;c.,