came safe, and am much obliged by thy kind careand attention. 15th.—We have just been informed of the safe arri-val of John Griscom; it is pleasing that he mayreach London in time to attend the yearly meeting,and the annual meeting of the British and ForeignBible Society. I wrote him a few weeks ago, but itis out of my power, by this conveyance, as I am justwarned that the vessel is about sailing; please toremember me in the most affectionate manner tohim. I beg him to write me very frequently, respect-ing his movements, prospects, &;c. I am, very truly,thy affectionate friend, THOMAS EDDY.To WILLIAM ALLEN. List of pamphlets directed for William Allen.—Chris-tian Herald; Monthly Magazine; Annual Report ofthe Philadelphia School Society; Memorial from theVirginia yearly meeting to the Legislature; TwoAnnual Reports of New York Free School Society,1818; Evening Post, containing the Report of theSociety for the Deaf and Dumb, in Connecticut;Gleaner, containing an Indian Speech; Annual Re-port of the Female Association in the city of NewYork, 1818; Description and Historical Sketch of theState Prison of Massachusetts, 1816. London, 20th June, 1818. DEAR SIR, I had the pleasure of writing you on the 20th ofFebruary, by my friend Mr. Greig, and I have recent-ly had the satisfaction of learning from him, that thepapers he was so good as to take charge of, weresafely delivered into your hands, and that you werein good health. You will see by referring to myTreatise on Indigence, which I sent you, that I wasthe first to suggest the establishment of saving banks,so far back as the year 1806. Happy would it havebeen for this country, if this, and my various othersuggestions for the amelioration of society, had been