A Discourse on the death of Captain Paul Cuffee. The Report of the Committee on Pauperism. Report of the Society of Philadelphia on CharitySchools. Information of the progress of the Asylum near Philadelphia. Governor Clinton's Discourse before the New York Historical Society. Report of the New York Hospital Society—1817. Report of the Female Association—1818. Historical Sketch of Massachusetts State Prison. Report of the Commissioners on Internal Navigation, state of New York—1811, 1812, 1817. Account of the New York State Prison, by ThomasEddy—1801. View of New York State Prison—1815. Account of Massachusetts State Prison. Statistical view of the operation of the penal codeof Pennsylvania. Map of the Western part of the State of New York. Map of Niagara River. Map of the countries between the Great Lakes,and the Atlantic Ocean. Hints for introducing an improved mode of treat-ing the Insane. American Bible Society Report—1818. Liverpool, 30th September, 1818. DEAR SIR, I avail myself of this opportunity to express mygrateful acknowledgments for your valuable commu-nication of Reports and Documents respecting yourstate prisons and other institutions, which havearrived at a moment when they will be of importantservice to me, in a publication which I intend short-ly to send to press, on the state of our criminal law,and the reformation of offenders. I have observed with great concern, the unfavoura-ble change which seems to have taken place in these