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Life of Thomas Eddy


establishments on your side the Atlantic, and amconvinced, from the best consideration I can give thesubject, that they are occasioned, in a great degree,by the causes mentioned in your letter—the inade-quacy of the buildings, and the want of separateapartments at night for the convicts; but, independ-ent of this, there are other circumstances whichappear to me to be of great importance, and whichI intend to state pretty much at large. I hope inthe course of six or eight weeks to be enabled tosend you a copy of my publication, in which I havethe pleasure to think you will find a close conformityto your own opinions and recommendations, soclearly stated, and so strikingly enforced, in some ofthe works with which you have favoured me. I shall only at present beg leave further to observe,that I am sorry to find some indications of an inten-tion on the part of your managers, to abolish thepower of pardoning criminals, and to render punish-ment certain as to duration—a measure which, as itappears to me, would put an end to Penitentiaryestablishments altogether. That this power mayhave been indiscreetly used, is possible, but it is notthe sending convicts out, but the receiving them in again,that occasions the evil complained of, as I hope youwill see stated in the sheets I shall send you. Our good friend, Mr. Griscom, is travelling on thecontinent of Europe, with another friend of mine,and I believe intends to make a visit to Italy. I think myself happy in being favoured with this friendly interchange of opinion, with one whoseattention has been so long, and so successfully devoted to the subject. And with sincere esteem andattachment, remain, Dear Sir, your much obligedand faithful friend, W. ROSCOE.To Mr. THOMAS EDDY, New York.