interest themselves in the promotion of these mostimportant and benevolent plans. Accept, once more, my sincere thanks for your kind attentions, and believe me, with the most gratefulrespect and attachment, Dear Sir, Your faithful friend,And humble fellow-labourer, W. ROSCOE.To Mr. THOMAS EDDY, New York. New York, 8th mo. 9th, 1819. ESTEEMED FRIEND, I duly received thy kind favour, dated 20th Febru-ary, accompanied with two copies of thy Treatise onPenal Jurisprudence, &;c., which were truly accept-able; and, from a careful perusal of the work, amwell satisfied it will be extensively useful in yourcountry, and also in the United States. I had some expectation that an edition would have been printedhere, but in this have I been disappointed. If a fewcopies could be sent by Robinson, bookseller, Liver-pool, to James Eastburn &; Co., booksellers in thiscity, they might be readily sold, and I am well satis-fied would be of great use, as they would, no doubt,be generally read by the members of our legislature,at their next session in January. The subject relatingto the affairs of our penitentiary system, &;c., willthen be before them. The success of the establish-ments in Boston, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Baltimore,and, I believe, in Virginia, has been equal to thewarmest expectations of our friends; but, in thisstate, every thing has been sadly mismanaged forsome years past. In Pennsylvania, a prison is build-ing, calculated to lodge each convict in a separate room, and I am in hopes we shall have one erectedon this plan in this state. I am satisfied, that untilour prisons are all so built, we shall never have thesystem pei feet. My sentiments on this are fully men-tioned in the first letter I had the pleasure of address-