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Life of Thomas Eddy


and how many children are attached to each of them?and, as far as you may be able, what state of im-provement they are in. In truth, my good friend, Ilook to the Indian children for the realization of Indian civilization. The main efforts should be madeto apply to them. The old ones are like the moun-tain oaks, (here and there some exceptions,) and itwere an almost hopeless task to attempt their con-formity with civilized life. But they must soon dieoff—such is nature's decree; and if vigorous measuresbe adopted for the children, they will, when theyarrive at maturity, appear like the vernal year, in contrast with the barrenness of a recent winter pros-pect. My wish is, that the principles of improvementbe extended to as many Indian children as they canbe made to reach. They are the virgin soil—the seedssown in them will grow, be they bad or good. I am sure the President would be gratified to recog-nize your recommendation of agents to go amongstthe New York Indians, if it shall come within hisscheme to make such appointments. It is certain youwould name none, but such as would promote thegreat object of their civilization and improvement. The Indians at Allegany and Onondago are in afair way. They have banished the greatest evil, thesmall-pox not excepted, that ever desolated any peo-ple. It is literally the Indians' curse. In excludingardent spirits, they have got the top upon Pandora'sbox, and may a kind Providence help them to keep it there! It would be gratifying all round, no doubt, to pro-mote the views embraced in your suggestions; and,if the principle of distribution shall be adopted, theNew York Indians will get, through the benevolentchannels, where I think it likely it will be all madeto flow, some portion of this small sum. The appoint-ment of an agent or two, as you suggest, is a goodplan; especially as the New York Indians are in somany separate clans; for then the agent could super-