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Life of Thomas Eddy


Schenectady, November 8, 1819. MY GOOD FRIEND, I have thought much on the great subjects talkedover at our late interesting and very pleasant inter-view at your house. I have since conversed withmany distinguished gentlemen in your city, on boardthe steam boat, and in the city of Albany, particu-larly with the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, andMr. Van Rensselaer, (the Patroon)—all enter veryheartily into our views. The Governor, and Mr. VanRensselaer, are both going in a few days to NewYork, on a visit of several weeks. I expect to meetthem there. They will be pleased to have a con-ference with you on the subjects which interests us,and them also. The Governor suggested the idea ofhaving a meeting, after my return to your city, of anumber of gentlemen, who are like minded with our-selves, and of intelligence and influence, to confer on the best measures to ripen our plans, and to carrythem into effect. Mr. Van Rensselaer will be present,and will probably be willing to go on to Washing-ton this winter, and aid in effecting our purposesthere, particularly in forming a new associationwhich you suggested, of all denominations, to doevery thing for the Indians, except introducing parti-cular religious instruction. This plan, I think, willtake. I think I shall make an effort to go myselfto Washington, and hope, by all means, you, myfriend, will calculate to go—and then we shall feelstrong. The object is a great and good one, andworthy a great effort. It opens here very auspicious-ly, and I am full of hope. I write after the fatigues of the day, in the bustle ofa public house—but I will make no farther apology. With kind regard to your good family, believe me,very sincerely, Your friend, JEDEDIAH MORSE. THOMAS EDDY.