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Life of Thomas Eddy


almost all writers on the subject, join in a degree toacknowledge this, and yet almost all recommend itfor some offences; this I cannot understand, unless itbe the effect of a vindictive sensation against atro-cious crimes, which ought not to be indulged in legis-lation. I am sorry to find, that an opinion of the ineffica-cy of the penitentiary system is gaining ground, andshould be still more grieved if I thought it wellfounded; but I do not, and am inclined to think, thatall the great defects in the system, arise from parsi-mony in preparing the establishments. If the build-ings were sufficiently spacious, the prisoners mightbe classed, and reformation reasonably expected,instead of the corruption which indiscriminate con-finement produces; and injudicious pardons of oldoffenders need not be given to make room for newconvicts;—if they were sufficiently solid and strong,the hope of escape would never be indulged or reali-zed—but to erect spacious and strong buildings requires large funds, and it is easier to condemn awhole system, than to lay taxes to execute it. Itrust, however, that a fair experiment will be madein New York; there, if any where, we must look forenlarged views and useful institutions. As it is not very probable that I shall ever returnto my native city, my desire to live in the remem-brance of my friends there has become more import-ant to me; among them I have always counted you, and hope you will still allow me to do so. EDWARD LIVINGSTON.To THOMAS EDDY. Naples, November 13th, 1821. SIR, On my return to Naples, after an absence of severalmonths, I found your letter, dated New York, Novem-ber 3d, 1820. I am not at present sufficientlyacquainted with the system pursued at the Lunatic