Will you and Mr. Dwight bethink of a set of que-ries, embracing the objects of the society, for a circu-lar from the Secretaries? Philadelphia, January 10th, 1825. I have the pleasure to inform you, that on the 3d inst.you were unanimously elected an honorary memberof the Pennsylvania Society for promotion of InternalImprovements in the Commonwealth, of whose Con-stitution a copy is enclosed. It will give great pleasure to our Society to cultivate acorrespondence with you, on the important subjects inwhich you have taken so distinguished a part, and forthe promotion of which we have associated ourselves. We will always be happy to furnish any informa-tion in our power to advance internal improvementsin our sister States. I am, with the greatest respect,Your obedient servant, GERALD RALSTON,Corresponding Secretary.To THOMAS EDDY. Toxteth Park, near Liverpool, 31st March, 1825. DEAR SIR, It is with sincere pleasure that I avail myself ofthe present opportunity, to transmit you a copy ofthe third and last part of my observations on penaljurisprudence, which is now ready for publication here, and in which I have endeavoured, to the bestof my power, to recommend to my countrymen animproved system of reformatory discipline, similar tothat adopted in the United States of America, and inthe establishment of which you have had so import-ant a share. I do this with the feelings of a disciple,who looks up to his master for the approbation ofhis labours—there being no person living, whoseideas on this subject I more implicitly adopt, thanyour own.