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Life of Thomas Eddy


Within these few days, and after my work wasprinted and ready for publication, I have receivedfrom Mr. Hopkins, one of the commissioners appoint-ed by the legislature last year, to examine and reporton the state of the prisons at New York, their reporton that subject, which has given me more surpriseand concern than I can express, as it appears to meto recommend an entire abandonment of the reform-atory system, and the introduction of a plan ofcompulsory labour, more severe than any that hasever yet been proposed. On the receipt of this docu-ment, I lost no time in drawing up a few remarksupon it, with the view certainly, but scarcely withthe hope, that if they should arrive before the passingof the proposed act, they might have some effect instrengthening the opposition which will, I trust, bemade, for preventing, or at least modifying, themeasures proposed. Of these I send you a few copies,entreating you to put them into the hands of such ofyour friends, as you may think proper; as it is mydecided opinion, that if the system now proposedshould be adopted, the United States of America willforfeit their chief glory, and will be as remarkablefor the cruelty of their penal code, as they havehitherto been for their enlightened humanity. In the hope of hearing from you on this most inte-resting subject, and of learning that you continue toenjoy a good state of health, I remain, with the most sincere attachment and affectionate respect, Most truly yours, W.ROSCOE. To Mr. THOMAS EDDY, New York. The lines on solitary imprisonment, are by myyoungest daughter. New York, 4th month, 14th, 1825. ESTEEMED FRIEND, I send thee to the care of Cropper, Benson, &; Co., areport of commissioners appointed by our state legis-