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Life of Thomas Eddy


lature, to make inquiry respecting our prisons, &;c.;some part of this report I think thou wilt find inte-resting. The state penitentiary at Auburn, mentionedin the report, I believe is the best constructed of anyin this country, and the superintendant most remarka-bly well qualified to conduct such an establishment;and under his management I think the penitentiarywill succeed, and fully answer the expectations ofthose who are friendly to the system of reform. Isent thee some time ago, a report to the legislature ofLouisiana, by Edward Livingston, on the plan of apenal code for said state. I have been informed thisreport has been printed in London. I now sendthee, as above, a system of penal law, prepared bymy friend Livingston, containing codes of offencesand punishments, &;c. &;c. I am, with great regard and respect,Thy affectionate friend, THOMAS EDDY.To WILLIAM ROSCOE. New York, 12th month, 15th, 1825. MY DEAR FRIEND, Thy very kind and acceptable favour of 31stMarch, came to hand some time ago, and I feel not a little mortified that it has remained so long withoutacknowledging its receipt; and also thy last publica-tion on penal jurisprudence which accompanied it,together with remarks on the report of the commis-sioners, and the verses on solitary confinement, withwhich I was very much delighted. Though the state of society of latter years has beengreatly improved, yet daily experience teaches us,that we are very far from that degree of perfectionon various subjects, we are capable of attaining; thework goes on slowly, and mostly imperceptibly toall human observation; we may, however, rest assu-red, that all principles and practices, no matter howlong they have been continued and supported by