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Life of Thomas Eddy


real punishment, and yet perfect order was complete-ly preserved. He, however, persists in his notion,that it is impossible to preserve order without whip-ping. I am firm in the belief, that Captain Lindeswill, in time, alter his opinions. He is a completeenthusiast in favour of the penitentiary system, andhas those peculiar qualifications, that will enablehim to carry it to a degree of perfection that it hasnever yet attained. The quietness of the prisonerssubject to his care and management is much to beadmired. Some months ago, in company with ourmutual friend, Professor Griscom, I visited Sing Sing,situated on the Hudson River, about thirty miles fromNew York. At this place is erecting a state prison,within a hundred yards of the margin of the river—the banks are about one hundred feet high, and con-tain large and extensive marble quarries, of excellentquality, which is excavated, and hammered, andformed for the building, which will contain eighthundred cells;—the state has purchased about onehundred and fifty acres of fine land adjoining thebuilding—the erecting the prison is committed solelyto the care and management of Captain Lindes—theplan is his own, and, in my opinion, the best in theworld. The flooring, ceiling, and sides of each cell,are entirely of marble, and the doors iron. He haswith him one hundred and thirty convicts, which hebrought from Auburn prison—besides these, he hasone master carpenter, one mason, and one black-smith—no other persons except convicts are employed;—he commenced last spring, and next year the work will probably be completed. There is no wood usedin building this prison—it is all of stone. Convictsare employed in quarrying, burning lime, (from mar-ble,) forming the stone, mason work, and makingiron doors for the cells, &;c. The whole cost of thebuilding will not exceed $75,000, about £16,500 ster-ling. The decent order and conduct of the convictsis wonderful; they are allowed plenty of beef and