in their opinions of the superior efficacy of this plan,that it is in vain to urge to them that it is cruel andimpolitic. The projectors of this plan, are my par-ticular friends, of the first rank and respectability inthe city of Philadelphia. I have no doubt but theexperience of one year will convince them of theirerror. I cannot be reconciled to think myself deservingthy very handsome compliment, in attributing to mehaving an important share in the establishment ofthe reformatory system in this country; the chiefcredit is due that truly wise and good man, WilliamPenn, whose example and hints relating to thisgreat subject, was acted on and improved by a num-ber of my valuable friends in Philadelphia, soon afterPennsylvania was declared an independent state. I have been very much gratified with thy commu-nications, and most particularly by the several pub-lications on the subject of penal jurisprudence, andI do beg, thou wilt be so kind as to favour me, occa-sionally, with some account of the progress made inthe reformatory system in England, and if any thingis doing relating to it, on the continent. I remain, yours, &;c. THOMAS EDDY.To WILLIAM ROSCOE, ESQ. Albany, 31st December, 1825. DEAR SIR, I have received your letter of the 27th. Every timeI visit Buffalo, I am fully convinced that the conti-guity of our settlements is destructive to the frac-tional or remnant population of the red men, andthat therefore their only salvation lies in removal toa distance. I have, however, never authorized anycommunication through Captain Parrish, or any otheragent, on that point. My rule has been to leave themto their own volitions.