satisfy him. He painted only for amusement. He loved poetry in early life, for it gave him an oppor-tunity of pouring out his feelings without disguise;but he found, at a later period, how much excitement it costs to make images from nature and truth, tobathe them in the purest blood of the heart, andthen to send them out to a cold, critical world. Atlength, he, in a good measure, gave up his muse, anddevoted his time to the sciences. In the pursuit ofmathematics, geometry, astronomy, and topography,there are no throes or agonies, and but few difficultiesof any kind in the pathway. To these studies hegave almost undivided attention. In this almostpure abstraction, the memory is not busy, and theheart is still. He pursued his scientific course severalyears; and, for exercise and amusement, he madetopographical surveys in every part of the state ofNew York, and drew several maps. His large mapof the state, the best that had ever been drawn of it,was published the year after his death, but it was inthe hands of the engraver before his decease. In his tour of topographical surveying, he improved hisknowledge of botany, for there was nothing painfulin this science; for, while the flower and herb givedelight to the senses, they are subjects of soothingcontemplation to the mind. The wonders of natureare as fully developed in the bumble violet or daisy,as by the whole forest, and, to the mind of the phi-losopher, as distinctly prove the existence of a God,as the astounding cataract or terrific volcano. Mr.Eddy was ready, with his pen, to perform any ser-vice to science or the arts. Dr. John W. Francis, towhose literary taste and talents we are often muchindebted, in a memoir of his friend, written soonafter his decease, says,— Mr. Eddy was the authorof a number of essays which appeared in the news-papers, on botany and other branches of naturalhistory; on geography, and the internal improvementof this state. An essay on geography, which he