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Life of Thomas Eddy


In bright succession fancy's visions roll,And hope, sweet flatterer! soothes my troubled soul:Perhaps e'en yet, the Almighty's boundless powerMay crown my wishes in some happier hour,May bid misfortune's iron hand forbear,Or grant me fortitude, my doom to bear;Perhaps e'en now his cruel seeming will,By this, restrains me from the paths of ill.Then cease this strain—these useless plaints give o'er,What Heaven has done is right, repine no more. The friendly poetical epistle addressed to hisfriend, William L. Fisher, after a pleasant visit inNew Bedford, among those enlightened and excel-lent Friends, the Rodmons and Rotches of that place,is full of easy and courteous verse. Health to my friend—may Heaven unceasing shedIts choicest blessings on his youthful head;Full two long months in one dull round have past, From pleasing Bedford since I heard the last.Whence this delay? but ah! I guess the cause,'Tis love's soft chain, and powerful beauty drawsThy thoughts away—and well at beauty's smileThou might'st forget an absent friend awhile.This is the truth—I do not ask defence,I know thy friendship, and forgive the offence.I hope she smiles, for well I know the careAnd painful hours rejected lovers share.And can a nymph of Bedford's gentle train,(The gentlest sure that ever trod the plain,)The proffer'd hand of faithful love disdain?In such soft bosoms can the spirit live,That joys to triumph in the pains they give?Sweet Bedford! Oft thy scenes I call to view,And oft the moment when I bade adieu.Tho' many a day on tedious wings have flownSince thee I left, and sought the noisy town,Where vice and folly hold alternate sway,And care and langour wear my hours away;Yet oft remembrance, kindly soothing power! Recalls the scene of many a happier hour,The evening walk along the dusky green,The social circle and the smile serene,The nymph's soft charms, the aged's various worthAll wake the sigh that pleases more than mirth.May he, the chief, in length of years grown gray,Still view with pleasure many a natal day;His reverend head may dreams from Heaven compose,And calm contentment and serene repose.And he whose hospitality I prov'd,Long may he live, respected and belov'd—And she with every gentle virtue fraught,Whose friendly kindness ne'er shall leave my thought,May every gift, that generous fortune pours,Gild the calm current of their peaceful hours,May Heaven direct their steps remote from strife,And smile serenely on their close of life,